Monday, August 24, 2009

Gimme a B! Gimme an F! Gimme a P? What does it spell? 7 weeks of paranoia!

I'm not proud of the fact I haven't posted in a long time, but am proud of what I have achieved in the last 6 months.
I've been hitting the gym and shed 15 kilos and never looked or felt better :)
I finished the first semester of my last year of uni and completed it with a C, D and HD :)
I'm still married and the good days are outweighing the bad days :P
Last night though I had the oddest compulsion to do a pregnancy test. Now if I'd have told C before I did he'd have laughed and said there was no way I could be up the duff given the lack of excitement in the bedroom in the last month and I'd have agreed!
Still something certainly gave me the impression it was worth a shot and before the stick even finished being dipped both lines appeared.
I can't say I'm excited because after 6 miscarriages that kind of joy is impossible. I can say that I've worked my hardest to fight this PCOS and *if* that was responsible for my recurrent miscarriages then surely, SURELY this time I might, just maybe, get a sticky.
Doctors appointment next week, at which I will request bloods and book a scan for 7 week mark. No fucking around this time. (Not even going to bother excusing my language there because if I saw you on the street, that's exactly what would come out of my mouth at a time like this!)
I'm musing at the hilarity in all this for a few reasons. Firstly, we booked a holiday for 12 days to Bali in December. We postponed attempting to TTC until then, but of course aren't using any protection. I see the reverse psychology fairies have paid me a visit and the irony suggests that this time I won't miscarry and will spend 12 days in Bali unable to enjoy cheap, poolside cocktails. Not that I'd prefer that to a baby, you understand - just sayin'!
If I usually start to bleed and/or cramp my past history usually tells me it'll happen in the next 2 weeks so until then I'm going to bury my head deep into my thrilling taxation text books and hope it passes without me even noticing.
I don't believe in God, but if I did I'd be praying my ass off right now.